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Importing Customers into Loopy Loyalty
Importing Customers into Loopy Loyalty

Using Google Sheets and Zapier

Danny Allen avatar
Written by Danny Allen
Updated over a week ago

In this article I will show you how you can add an existing customer base to Loopy Loyalty and issue a card to each customer. This is done using Zapier and Google Sheets.


  • A Loopy Loyalty account and one card design activated

  • A Zapier account

  • Access to Google Sheets

Setting up the Google Sheet.

The spreadsheet will contain 3 worksheets, my card uses the fields, Customer Name and Email Address, so the customer data must contain those fields

The Zap List - This is where we will add the customer details to be enrolled in our Stamp Card

The Enrolled List - this will contain a list of members successfully enrolled, and their stamp card URL

Original List - This is the original list of customers.

Now we can set up the Zap!

Setting up the ZAP

We will set up two ZAPS, the first one will enrol the customer from a new line in the Zap List worksheet, the other will write the results and card URL in the Enrolled lists worksheet.

Enroll Customer Zap

Head over to Zapier and log into your account. Navigate to 'Zaps' and click on 'Create Zap'

Next we select the 'Trigger'. This is what will start the zap, in this case a new line in Google Sheets. Select Google Sheets or search for it using the search box.

Select the New Spreadsheet Row trigger event.

Next we need to select which account the spreadsheet is in. NOTE: if you have not already connected your account, you will be asked to connect at this stage.

Next, using the dropdowns, select the spreadsheet and worksheet to be used in this Zap. In this example, we are using the 'Zap List' sheet to pull the customers from.

Now we can test the trigger, before clicking on the Test trigger button, make sure to add a customer to the 'Zap List' sheet.

When done, click on the Test trigger button.

If the test is successful you will see the result containing the details of the user you added to the 'Zap List' sheet.

Click on continue to proceed to the Zap action.

The Action is what happens after the Zap has been triggered, in this case we want to enrol a customer to your Loopy Loyalty account.

Select Loopy Loyalty or search for it in the search box.

Select Enroll Customer as the Action Event.

Next choose which Loopy Loyalty account your card is in. NOTE: If you have not connected your Loopy Loyalty account already you will be asked to connect at this point by logging in.

The next step is setting up the Action. Here we map the spreadsheet fields with the stamp card fields. First select your Stamp Card from the drop down. Then select the data to match the Stamp Card field, in this example 'Customer Name'.

Then do the same for any other fields you have. I have one more field to map, 'Email Address'

When done, click 'Continue' to proceed.

Now, let's test to see if it works.

Success! A successful test will return the Stamp Card ID and the Stamp Card URL

If I follow the Stamp Card URL I can see the Stamp Card for the customer.

And If I now look in the Loopy Loyalty dashboard in the Customers page I can see my new customer.

Finally in this stage, turn on your zap and make sure to name it.

So, now we can create a new member when a new line is added to Google Sheets. Now we want to record the member in Google Sheets when they are enrolled along with the unique link to their pass. You may want to do this as a customer will not receive an email after they have been enrolled in this way. So you will need to send them their URL

For this, we need to create a new Zap.

Setting up the 'Add new line in Sheets when customer is enrolled' Zap

From the Zaps page, click on create Zap.

We need to set up the trigger, in this example the trigger will be from Loopy Loyalty, when a customer is enrolled.

Click on Loopy Loyalty or use the search bar.

Select Loopy Loyalty as the App, and New Enrollment as the Event Trigger

Select the Loopy Loyalty account you want to use. Note, if you have not already connected your account, you will be asked to log in at this point.

Select the Stamp Card to be used.

Click continue and test the trigger when prompted, if successful you will see the pass data listed.

If successful, continue onto the setting up the Action.

Select Google Sheets or use the search bar.

Select the action, in this example we want to create spreadsheet row.

Select your Google Sheets account. NOTE, if you have not already connected your account you will be asked to log in.

Select the Drive your spreadsheet is in (if applicable), the spreadsheet and worksheet. In my example the worksheet is the 'Enrolled List' (as per the instructions at the beginning of this tutorial)

Now we need to map the stamp card data to the spreadsheet. In my example this will be the following.

  • Customer Name

  • Email address

  • Card URL

For each field, click on the search box to show the available data and select accordingly, you can click 'Show All Options to see more data fields.

Here are my fields finished.

The URL field is slightly different. The URL is made up of two parts, the first is '' and second part is the Customer Id

The first part is the same for each user, but the Customer Id is different for each user.

So we can type the first part in the field, then take the Customer Id from the pass data.

Let's test the action, check the data being sent is correct, then test.


I can look in my Google Sheets spreadsheet to confirm

Don't forget the turn on your Zap and name it!

Great Job!

Now we have two Zaps working, one that enrols customers from a Google Sheet row, and the other records the URL of the customers card when they are enrolled.

We can now import our users. To do this I will copy the customer data from my worksheet 'Original list' to the worksheet 'Zap list'. The results will be captured in the worksheet 'Enrolled list'.

Now, the zap will trigger and enrol these customers. Please note, the Zap can take up to 15 minutes to trigger based on your subscription. If you are using the free account it can take up to 15 minutes, paid accounts are polled at smaller intervals.

I can check the 'Enrolled list' worksheet to confirm, and check in Loopy Loyalty.

This second zap to record new enrolments and their URL may not be necessary for your specific use, you could create a zap to send new enrollment details to a CRM or email list provider for example.

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